Before Applying: The Deal Maker Alliance membership is not open to everyone. Applicants must meet at least one of the requirements to qualify for Membership.


  • A minimum net worth of $2,000,000

  • or an annual personal income of $100,000

Apply To Join The Deal Maker Alliance

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Don't Take My Word For It, Here's What Other Member's Are Saying About The Deal Maker Alliance Membership

8 Properties Acquired

$19MM Development Deal

4 unit closing

65k contract signed

30k wholesale

Money raised for charity

$1.4M Land Deal Closed

Biggest Check Received

"If you're on the fence about joining, you gotta get in the right rooms."

- RJ Pepino

"Incredible Networking."

- Sean Whalen, Lions Not Sheep

"We own about 500 storage units, want to show our kids what it's like to live their dreams and do what they want to do."

- Janelle Thiesse

"You gotta get around people who are motivated...I should have been doing this earlier in life."

- Kevin Marron, $20M Gutter King

"Learn, grow, and get around like minded people"

- Andrea Walcot

"My business has skyrocketed. Allowed me to grow my team and free up my time."

- Mike Fallat

"Over a year of being a DM Alliance Member. Coming to these events is a great pivoting point." - Anthony Cioppa

"Lot's of great advice, good motivation, great speakers" - Leslie Krajewski

"Upgrade yourself and your environment" - Mike Burns, 2 year member

"You have to get in the room." - Alysha A.

"I would definitely suggest coming to Mark Evan's events" - Michael Curry

"Be in the room with successful people" - Michael Campanale

"Mark's been a great mentor of mine, and more of a friend and brother now. Anyone that's on the fence and wondering if there's value, 100% unequivocally it's a yes." - Matt Garabedian, 5 year member

"No upsells. I've met people here with $200M portfolios. If you want to get in rooms like that, you've got to get in. That's all I gotta say." -Liam Benson

"Being in a room like this is a game changer" - Ken Abdullah

"I'm learning how to better my company. Make more money, and network with some good people." - Justin Thiesse

"Mark funded one of my first wholesale deals. I was able to make $10,000 on it. Without him I don't know where I'd be in this journey." - Justin Rayside

"Mindset, networking, connecting with people. Understanding to think bigger. If you want to get to the next level, you gotta get around the right people." - JC Morales

"I'm so grateful that Mark was able to bring these connections in and have them share their knowledge on how they were able to obtain their wealth." - Josh High

"Always a great network of people. Lots of opportunity. All high-level thinkers. Highly recommend." - Joe Lieber

"Fantastic speakers" - Jay Atkins

"If you're not in the DM Alliance you should be. The networking and relationships I have built have literally changed my life." - Fraiser Bailey

"I freakin love Mark Evans. One of the few men that have radically shifted the way I think about life." - Ben Humble

"Being surrounded by successful people pushing me to do the same in my business." - Arman Premjee

"The DM Mastermind has been amazing. So much insight, so much value. Be in the room where people are talking about their growth, their deals."

"Joining was important for me. Getting me out of my comfort zone. Mark has me focused on the big picture." - Mike, S. Real Estate Investor

"Mark Evans and the DM Alliance Group are the real deal" - Tony W., Real Estate Investor and Developer

"If you're not in this group yet, you need to get in there. It's a different level of teaching. Masterminds can be complicated but Mark doesn't make it complicated. If you're on the fence just get in there. It's a no brainer." - Colin


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