Go From A Business Slave To Wealth Building Magician

Say Goodbye To Overwork And Hello To Business Freedom!

Discover the Secrets of Escaping the Mule Mentality to Building an Empire of Wealth and Freedom - All On Your Own Terms.

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Get Your Copy Of "Magician Vs. Mule" For Just $5

*"Magician Vs. Mule" usually retails for $14.95. I'm offering it to you for only $5.00. Your information is secure and will not be shared.

Why $5.00? I want to make this life-changing information accessible to as many people as possible. I believe in the power of this book to transform lives, and I don’t want cost to be a barrier for anyone.

I also figured you'd prefer get the book immediately, rather than having to wait a couple of weeks.

You can access your book anywhere, instantly, without having to wait for the post office to get it to you!

Plus, it's packed with insights and strategies to help you break free from the Mule mentality and embrace your inner Magician.


"Such a great mindset shift! This book made me reflect a lot about myself on why I do certain things. To actually learn from a pro or a guy who is actually living the life I want is priceless. After years of working my ass off and trying to be independent and find my own path. I learned NOW that I have to stop being the "jack of all trades" its actually holding me back." - Howard Coro, Amazon Review

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"Magician Vs. Mule" Will Help You To...

  • Stop working so hard for your entire life and not seeing any of those financial dreams come to fruition.

  • Learn how to scale businesses smarter, invest wisely, and create multiple income streams without burning out!

  • Shift from being overworked and burned out to growing your business faster with less stress...

Hurry, This Offer Won't Last long!


Proof That 'Magician Vs. Mule' Has ALREADY Dramatically Changed My Life And The Lives Of Countless Entrepreneurs And Investors Around The World!

From: Mark Evans DM

Parkland, Florida

Your journey to financial freedom and a fulfilling life can start today.

  • Do you feel trapped in the endless cycle of working hard with little to show for it?

  • Do you dream of building a better lifestyle of wealth, freedom, and influence?

  • Are you ready to break free from being a Mule in your business to becoming a Magician, creating wealth and building a business on your terms?

"Magician Vs. Mule" is more than just a book. It's a mentorship in written form, guiding you through the transformation from an overworked entrepreneur to a successful investor and business owner with more freedom.

People that I've taught this to have gone on to create 7 and 8-figure businesses with less overwhelm or stress.

More importantly, they are able to spend more time with their families and enjoy the life they originally got into business for to begin with.

"Magician Vs. Mule" Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?"

Real Stories From Readers

If You're Sick And Tired Of All The Hype, Scams And Claims You See Online Lately, Then Read These Amazing Success Stories From Actual, Real Business Owners Who Bought The Book...


Very simple but powerful message!

"I read a lot of self help and business books. This is an excellent book! The information in here has literally transformed my life. Ive been lucky enough to be at a few masterminds with the author over the last two years. Since I met him, Ive started thinking more like a magician, rather than the mule. Still lots of work to do but this book has been a great reminder. In my experience, a magician's life is much better than a mule's life!!!!!

This book is an excellent introduction if you are not familiar with the concept and an excellent reminder to someone who has been introduced to it. Mark has a wealth of knowledge and experience and is an excellent teacher. Quick easy read. I read it in one afternoon. I will reread this often. Highly recommended."

- C. Walsh, Amazon Review


Who > You

"Great book that helps you focus on being the magician in business and life (orchestrating vs. being the “doer”.)

Helps you focus on thinking more about who can help drive the vision and focus toward (and treating them extremely well) vs you trying to do everything yourself. The truth is, other people can do most of what we need done way better than we can. No sense in trying to do everything ourselves. Great book Mark. Really helped reset my focus in business/life."

- Lauren, Amazon Review


Must Read for anyone interested in owning their own business

"What a great mind shift that you don't have to do it all when you own your own business. The simple tidbits and mind hacks needed to truly work on what is important instead of what keeps you busy. I am almost finished the book and have already implemented some little steps and have seen great improvement and even better, simplicity to how my business run. Mark's book is such a simple, direct no bull approach to working on, instead of in, your business. Congrats Mark, this is your best book ever. Thank you for sharing."

- C Beakley Jr, Amazon Review


Mark's "One to Many" Description Is A Life Changer

"This book is full of useful tools, tips, and concepts that have helped me move up to another level of achievement. He does such a great job of story telling that hits right to the core of things that I want to work on to improve. Mark describes his "One to Many" concept in ways that got me to think deeper and inspired me to make the changes necessary for my business. Highly Recommended!!"

- Jim Krautkremer, Amazon Review


Awesome book to become a top entrepreneur!

"I really enjoyed this book because it has amazing content to become a top businessman/woman! How to let go of limiting beliefs, be dedicated, determined, committed, and change your thoughts to become a magician in business and in life! I especially enjoyed that at the end of each chapter you get to answer empowering questions that really make you think and analyze yourself and why you have been holding yourself back from your true potential!"

- Daniel Haro, Amazon Review


Wow... So many golden nuggets! Had to read this one twice back to back!

"Such a great mindset shift! This book made me reflect a lot about myself on why I do certain things. To actually learn from a pro or a guy who is actually living the life I want is priceless. After years of working my ass off and trying to be independent and find my own path. I learned NOW that I have to stop being the "jack of all trades" its actually holding me back."

- Howard Coro, Amazon Review


Mindset is everything-to become a Magician

"Mark has a very straightforward way of expressing himself that is easy to follow and makes everything he says seem like it is just simply self-evident. I was inspired the 1st time I met Mark at a real estate event and couldn't wait to read this book. The content is perfect motivation to change your mindset, gain focus, clarity and move with intention to elevate yourself into a Magician!"

- Shane Carter, Amazon Review


Time to focus on being the Magician.

"Another great book by Mark Evans. Mark continues to drop great value in his books, podcast, instagram and his new daily video every weekday morning. If you aren’t following Mark you are missing out. There are several great take aways from the book. One of my favorite chapters was TOTS. (Thoughts on Thoughts). Thanks again DM"

- Matt Netsch, Amazon Review


You’re reading this for a reason.

"If you’re reading this, you likely know you’re a mule. It’s simply written so that anyone can understand and really get honest with themselves about where they’re TRULY at and what type of person you are and what you can do to make some changes immediately. Great read overall. Now your only obstacle is overcoming YOU."

- Steve H, Amazon Review

As You Can See...

"Magician Vs. Mule" Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?"

All Yours For Just $5.00 Today!

The "cost" of this book is $5.00, and you get it instantly as a PDF download.

Why $5.00?

Well, I used to mail out physical copies. The printing, postage and padded envelope cost $5.00 and some change.

About 6% of books we shipped out were getting lost in the mail. And some of them were taking nearly three weeks to arrive!

I figured you'd prefer to get the book immediately, rather than having to wait a couple of weeks.

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I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

  • 100% of the sales go to Charity. So I am not making a dime off this.

  • It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated business owner.

  • I am looking to help thousands of business owners and investors around the world grow without burning out or stealing time from their families.

  • I am tired of all the false information being put out there that is keeping business owners from achieving their goals and building real companies.

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

I'm offering this book at a significantly reduced price to spread this message far and wide. However, this is a limited-time offer.

I take a loss by selling you this book at this price.

The reason why is because it costs me roughly $33.04 in advertising costs to sell one book.

So why would I do that?


I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might do business with me again.

Yes, I have other products that you might be interested in later.

I’m hedging my bets that you’ll enjoy the book so much, you’ll ask to try other trainings and services I offer. Pretty straight forward really.

Oh - one more thing.

You're also getting a video training from my private vault that reveals How I Identify, Fund, & Acquire Cash Flowing Businesses using my T.O.R.S.C.E method.

This playbook can be used to help you acquire cash flowing businesses that make you money while you sleep.

In the training I also reveal 2 businesses that are printing cash like an ATM: One I funded and another I acquired are happily printing off cash like an ATM…without my daily involvement.

Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee

I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book, or I'll return your $5.00 and let you keep the book anyway. Just email me or shoot me a message, and I'll refund your $5.00 with no questions asked.

Sound fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Copy Now Before They're All Gone...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!


Mark Evans DM

P.S. Just to recap, you're getting a digital copy of my 161 page book, "Magician Vs. Mule: The Ultimate Guide to Lifestyle, Wealth, and Freedom."

All you pay is a measly $5.00.

(That's the exact price mailing it would cost if I were to grab a physical copy, stuff it in a padded envelope and then mail it out to you.)

***** I'm also giving you this video training from my locked private vault that reveals my "How To Identify, Fund, & Acquire Cash Flowing Businesses."

In the training I also reveal 2 businesses that are printing cash like an ATM: One I funded and another I acquired are happily printing off cash like an ATM…without my daily involvement.

I'm also including additional resources to jumpstart your journey to becoming a Magician in your life and business.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... If you don't love the book, I'll refund your payment, no questions asked.

So, click the button below to get your copy now.

You won't regret it.

Are you ready to go from an overworked mule to a wealth-generating magician?

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